The ruins of the fortress Krakra
   Photo: The ruins of the fortress Krakra

Krakra Fortress - a medieval building in the southwest of the town of Pernik, located on a small rocky plateau. The place where it was built, was not chosen by chance. It is believed by historians, it was of great strategic importance - Krakra acts as a shield during the Third Crusade (1189-1192). Then the castle was abandoned and no longer used.

According to historians, the fortress was built in the IX century, during the reign of Khan Omurtag. A study of the ruins revealed that it was an impressive structure with walls two meters thick, length of almost 800 meters. To this day preserved foundations of residential buildings and three churches (most of basil, two-storey church-tombs and personal ruler of the fortress church). Archaeological research has shown that even before the construction of the castle on the site was a small fortified settlement.

In the fortress we lived and there were travel prominent historical figures in Bulgaria, took place here momentous event for the country. Title facilities associated with the name of Commander Krakra Pernik, who lived during the reign of Tsar Samuil. Chronicles describe him as a righteous and honest man, who does not tolerate bribery and was always ready for military action. In his possession was a settlement of Pernik and 35 forts, among which was Krakra. Under his leadership, the fortress has twice determined resistance by the Byzantine conquerors, first in 1004 and then in 1016. At the foot of the construction is the terrain, nicknamed Bloody. According to legend, in 1016 during the brutal 88-day siege of the castle is lost as the Byzantines that field around turned red from the blood spilled.

On the territory of the excavations archeologists found was a unique find - a silver seal of Tsar Peter I. According to legend, the king was here shortly before the meeting with Ivan of Rila, the first Bulgarian, elevated to the rank of saints.

Now the fortress Krakra and adjacent areas - an interesting historical and cultural monument under the open sky, as well as a great place for outdoor recreation. This pleasure comes as residents of Bulgarian and foreign tourists.

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