Museum-estate "Boat of Peter"
   Photo: Museum-estate "Boat of Peter"

Museum-estate "Boat of Peter I» located in the village Veskovo Pereslavsky area 4 kilometers from the city. It is located on the shore of the lake on the mountain Pleshcheeva Gremyach. This is where in 1692 young Peter I launched the first military fleet.

The first time visiting Pereslavl in 1688, young Peter enchanted by the beauty and size of Pleshcheeva lake. Stopping first at Nikita, and then Goritsky Monastery, Peter begins to organize his "amusing flotilla." First the shipyard was in the mouth of the river Trubezh. Peter taught master shipbuilder from the Netherlands.

But musketeers rebellion forced Peter to come off your favorite things. Only in November 1691, he returned to the "fun ship". "Amusing" and "business" is now in the courts Gremyach hill outside the village Veskovo. The lake dug a channel through it built at the shipyard small ships down to the lake. Big ships were built right on the beach.

By the summer of 1692 the water of the lake was lowered Pleshcheeva flotilla, consisting of nearly a hundred ships, which were manned and armed with artillery. It was the first Russian navy - the prototype of a future Russian naval force. In February 1722, Peter visited Pereslavl last time and ordered to protect the remains of boats, ships and galleys. But a fire in 1783 destroyed almost the entire fleet of Peter. It managed to survive a bot named "Fortuna".

In 1802, Governor Vladimir IM Dolgorukov visited the place where Peter studied navigation. He decided to build in this place a building to store the boat escaped. August 1, 1803, and opened its first provincial Russian museum. In 1842 it was built a stone hut for retired sailors who guarded the museum. In 1847, Vladimir nobility Veskovo bought into public ownership.

August 17, 1850 Lake Pleshcheyevo Grand Dukes Romanovs, Nicholas and Michael, laid the monument as a sign to stay in these places of Peter I. The obelisk was solemnly opened two years later. In addition, there has been constructed a building for dance and social receptions (Rotunda) and the Arc de Triomphe. His final appearance of the manor "Boat of Peter I» acquired in 1853 with the construction of the White Palace, which survives today. In 1913 the museum was visited by Nicholas II. Especially for this event was built a marina on the lake and gazebo. Since 1919, the museum-estate became a branch of Pereslavl museum.

The main exposition of the museum - a "Botnia House" exhibition hall "Rotonda" and the White Palace. The Botnia house is the main exhibit of the museum - boat "Fortune". You can also see: pot for boiling tar, rigging, remnants of a clockwork, a bronze eagle, which decorated the palace of Peter I, a monument to Peter Rastrelli. The last restoration was carried Botnia house in 2010

The exhibition hall "Rotonda" (previously - a building for dance and public receptions, was built in 1852) has opened its doors again after a long desolation in 2003. Since then, the Rotunda - the decoration of the museum. Its interior has been recreated by restorers of artistic and architectural motifs Peter times: the walls with burgundy damask, massive portals of oak, elegant ceiling paintings, parquet, made a drawing, which was brought from Holland, young Peter, stylized I quarter of the 18th c., Shops and tables, original exhibits convey color and mood of those distant times. Today in this building are held presentations, exhibitions, celebrations, excursions for adults and children, a special place among them being theatrical performance titled Peter Assembly.

The White Palace is an exhibition "At the beginning of the glorious deeds", which was opened May 5, 2012 after a long restoration. It tells the story of the estate since the late 17th century. When there was a funny yard young king down to visit her last Russian emperor in 1913

The exhibition consists of three halls. The first room presents authentic things pertaining to the end of the 17th century., Which are relevant to the construction of the first ships on the shores of Lake Pereslavsky: Tools of Peter shipbuilders; parts, equipment and armament of ships. Of particular value are the ship's decorations, which are made by carvers from the Armory. You can also see a picture of "Peter flotilla on Lake Pereslavskoe August 25, 1692" DN Kardovsky.

The second room of the exhibition - "A Room of Peter I», which is a reconstruction of the interior Svetlitsa royal palace. You can also see the time of Peter the typological things: antiques ware, furniture. The exhibition also includes portraits of members of the family of Peter.

The third hall - front, its main purpose - to pay tribute to Peter I, and talk about the role of Vladimir nobility in preserving this historic site. Here, against the background of an interior public space in the middle of the 19th. presents archival documents on the history of the estate, as well as portraits of those who participated in its development.

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