The Church of Sainte-Anne de la Butte-aux-Cailles
   Photo: Church of Sainte-Anne de la Butte-aux-Cailles

The history of the Church of St. Anne de la Butte-aux-Cailles - a striking example of perseverance and courage, sanctified by faith. There were many reasons that the temple did not appear at all. But it stands as a monument to the people who invest in it all the heat of the heart.

Since the XVI century in this area, on the hill of the Butte-Kai, were manufacturing, gravitating to the Gobelins factory. In times of economic boom here flowed immigrants from all over Europe. They prayed in a small chapel named for Gen. Jean Baptiste Fidel Bree - he commanded troops in the area of ​​Paris during the revolution of 1848. Not wanting the blood, the general went to negotiate with the rebels and was brutally murdered.

In memory of General it was decided to build a church. Prefect Haussmann approved the project. But came the Franco-Prussian War, the empire fell, and with it ideas of Osman. Communards killed parish priest, Father Kapten. We intend to demolish the chapel and Bree - she insulted their feelings - but only managed to sell the church furniture.

At the end of the century the population of Butte-aux-Cailles reached 30,000 people. The chapel was too small for the parish: in 1892 there were held 968 baptisms, 251 wedding, 1,200 children have been catechesis ... And then a miracle happened: the couple brought Nolleval parish priest, Abbe Miramon, the money for the purchase of land for the construction of the church. Now, for the abbot is the main business of life.

The architect Prosper Bobin created a project in the Roman-Byzantine style. In 1894, construction began, but has encountered problems: weak ground. Seventy wells were drilled, filled two thousand cubic meters of concrete. Sometimes the abbot there was not a franc to pay the bills. Whenever I rescued a voluntary contribution. The old lady-parishioner before his death gave the abbot of a thousand francs, "I no longer need them."

The work went slowly, until in 1898 there was not a second miracle: the manufacturers of chocolate Jules and Honorine Lombart payment completion belfries and the facade (its long called chocolate). The abbot was inspired. In 1900 he received the priceless gift of the bishop of Avignon new temple - the relics of St. Anne. However, 1905 brought a new challenge: after the separation of church and state building temples nationalized. What donors will invest the money to the state?

And in 1911, a parishioner Miss Hook brings the biggest of all time construction fee. Her example is infectious: manage subscription to complete the choir and the altar of the chapel of St. Anne, laying solid roof design of the main entrance ... October 24, 1912 solemnly consecrated the church. Three months later the abbot semidesyativosmiletny Miramon die. At the funeral service are the words: "Lord, Thy servant served its purpose."

The church interior is simple and austere. It revives the light falling through the colorful stained-glass windows (work Momezhan brothers). The mosaics decorated the chapel of St. Anne is a simple marble slab, which rests under the abbot Miramon.

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