Republic Square
   Photo: Republic Square

Republic Square, in its present form emerged relatively recently, in 1854. In its history, almost no bloody excesses typical of other areas of Paris. But the place where it is located, associated with one of the darkest and most mysterious pages of the Middle Ages.

In 1222, the treasurer of the Knights Templar founded nearby Hubert future impregnable castle Temple Square - the central tower with a 12-storey building, eight-meter wall thickness. After the defeat in Palestine, the Templars moved here most of their treasures. In this part of the city the power of the Order was undeniable. But in the early morning October 13, 1307 royal officials opened sealed packages with the order to arrest the Knights Templar throughout France. It was concluded in the Temple then Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and in 1314 it burned to the Ile de la Cité. From that moment we lived in the castle of the royal family - the King himself took all the property of the Order.

From the XIV century took place near the city wall of the Temple built by Charles V. In 1670, Louis XIV demolished it: the changing face of Paris, fortified city became an open capital. King has not had time to destroy the castle of the Knights Templar and it is there then languished before her death.

In 1808, the castle-prison demolished already Napoleon. A small quiet area, which used to be in front of the Temple, the emperor in 1811 decorated the fountain, it was called the Place du Chateau d'Eau. The only time in its history the intersection of roads and put the blood in 1835: someone tried to kill Joseph Fieschi here King Louis-Philippe using the infernal machine of 24 guns. King received a scratch, 12 people were killed. But the attempt did not detract from the glory of a square: here in the first half of the XIX century had a number of theaters. It was here was born the image of the sad Pierrot.

The change came in 1854: a reformer Baron Haussmann in Paris, paving the wide straight highway, dramatically expanded the area. Theaters demolished. There were barracks, the area has turned into a huge military parade rectangular shape. In 1879 it changed its name in memory of the Third Republic, which laid the foundations of modern society. On the square was erected a 10-meter statue of the work of brothers Leopold and Charles Maurice - a laurel wreath, with an olive branch in hand. Three female figures represent around Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Before pedestal stands a bronze lion.

Now the Republic Square - the main place of Parisians demonstrations in defense of human rights and social justice.

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