Musée Jean Moulin
   Photo: Musée Jean Moulin

Musée Jean Moulin officially called unusually Memorial Museum Leclerc and Jean Moulin. Two names reflect the origin of the name of the collection.

The main part of the exhibition tells the story of two legendary figures: Marshal Jean Philippe Leclerc and one of the founders of the French Resistance Jean Moulins. At the end of the last century, first Leclerc Memorial Fund, and then a friend of Jean Moulin Antoinette Sasse donated Paris collection belonging to them - on condition that the memorial will be named after the hero.

The names of these represent the two forces which, when combined, resulted in the country's liberation from Nazi occupation: active in the French Resistance movement and the forces of de Gaulle, called "Fighting France".

Artist and official Jean Moulin in 1941 arrived from occupied France to London and met with de Gaulle. In carrying out the task of General Moulin united disparate guerrilla group the National Council of Resistance. June 21, 1943 Moulin was captured by the Gestapo. I interrogated and tortured him personally "Butcher of Lyon," Klaus Barbie Hauptsturmführer. Jean Moulin gave no companions died on the way to a concentration camp.

Leclerc - a pseudonym Count Jacques Philippe de Otkloka, which he had taken to protect the family, remained in France. Ancestors graph participated in the Crusades and the Napoleonic Wars. He stood on the side of de Gaulle and led the troops, commanded to participate in the fight against the Germans. In 1944 he commanded the military units of France during the landing in Normandy. It was his Armored Division, following an order of de Gaulle, the first entered into rebellion against the occupiers of Paris.

The museum features etchings by Jean Moulin to the poems Tristan Corbier, underground newspapers and leaflets, propaganda posters collaborators. In a special hall of oval wall turned fourteen screens on which images are reconstructed the liberation of Paris - the visitor is immersed in an atmosphere of jubilation free city.

The museum is located in the Montparnasse district, where they often visited art lover Jean Moulin. Here was located the command post of General Leclerc August 25, 1944, the day of the liberation of the capital.

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