Cabaret "Agile Rabbit"
   Photo: Cabaret "Agile Rabbit"

Cabaret "Agile Rabbit" takes a funny little house in Montmartre - pink with turquoise trim. How's room and placed the scene? And they are not. In fact, it is a tight fit for show cafe on wooden table - lamps with fringed lampshades, dancing the cancan no. Pianist, Parisian singer sing with a guitar and an accordion - or old, or Piaf, or drinking in unison with the audience. However, the street will not get here, it is necessary to book a table in advance because it is not just a cafe, it is the story of Montmartre.

First rustic eatery called "Cabaret killers." In 1880, singer and cartoonist Andre Gilles, who sang in cabarets, drew for him a new sign. It hearty rabbit, holding the bottle on the paw comes out of the scoop. The special humor was a play on words: lapin- «Rabbit», agile - «agile", and together it can be read as lapin à Gill - «rabbit Gilles."

The theater came Parisian bohemians: Picasso, Toulouse-Lautrec, Renoir, Verlaine, Apollinaire, Modigliani, Utrillo. Young talents of the poor, no one has yet known, drinking wine and arguing about the meaning of art. Proprietor Fred - bearded, hairy, very good - loved these madmen and often fed them into debt. Guys talked, Fred played the guitar, his wife Berta cooked. The room smelled of tobacco and food. Everyone was happy.

They liked to drink together, sing together, teasing each other. So, in 1910 at the annual exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists ("Salon des Independants") there was a picture of Joachim Rafael Boronali "Sunset on the Adriatic." Spectators seriously discussing its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, "Sunset" was written by a donkey's tail, belonging to Fred. Donkey Lolo after a hearty dinner, waving tail that wags dipped in paint, and got straight on special canvas is matched. I get the picture that the exhibition did not differ from hanging next to this. This drawing of artists used to discuss the pressing issue - that is the real avant-garde art.

That time, the place, the atmosphere was unique. This is not repeated. But today people come to the cabaret "Agile Rabbit" to even imagine - how it all happened.

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