Vazheozersky Savior Transfiguration Monastery
   Photo: Vazheozersky Savior Transfiguration Monastery

Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery was founded by students of Alexander Svirsky Gennady and Nicephorus. Gennady Elder, who lived on the shores of Lake Vazha, in a small cave, his exploits, miracles and healings prepared and sanctified this place for the arrival of another follower of Alexander Svirsky - Monk Nikifor. Already in 1520 on the banks of Vazheozera it was built Transfiguration church made entirely of wood. The first abbot Vazheozersky Transfiguration Monastery was the monk Nicephorus, who served his cause until his death in 1557.

Ivan the Terrible was a charter, which is based at the monastery received some of the land ownership. In addition, the king commanded to carry out the cleaning operation in a nearby forest and plow their land without the help of hired labor. Thus, in this literacy monastery completely forbidden to own peasants, villages, and should only be done by the hands of monks. After the monk died Nikifor, he was appointed abbot of the monastery abbot Dorofei, in which the chapel was set just above the tomb of the founder of the church.

Time of Troubles, which overtook Russia in the 17th century, could not touch and Holy Transfiguration Monastery. Crowds Swedes plundered and devastated Nikiforovsky desert, destroyed, devastated and sacked all its property. Hermits just could not offer resistance to the attackers. Tomb of the monks has long been a place of pilgrimage.

After the ruthless destruction of the church, it is a very long time is not restored. According to the testimony of history books in 1619 and 1623 years, it is clear that the church was too small brothers. In 1640 the monastery was the abbot Antony, who largely donated valuable Gospel and who built the church with his own money. Anthony appointed treasurer, cellarer, 4 and 6 of the elders maids, although the state of the monastery is still assessed as very meager.

Anthony was the successor of the acts the elder Barlaam, who in 1680 succeeded the elder Savvaty. Following the results of the newly conducted inventory shows that the monastic property greatly multiplied, and cattle breeding activity has become more profitable. Number of workers and monks at that time increased to 22 people. But the most the best position abode acquired in 1685 and 1697 years, when the monastery church utensils and property have become quite valuable.

In 1800 the church was assigned to the Alexander Svirsky monastery and was its structure until 1846. In 1885, a devastating fire destroyed almost all wooden buildings of the monastery. Religious brothers sold the remaining monasteries.

After the fire of the Holy Transfiguration Monastery was built is not only material but also spiritual help, "the All-Russian father" who was John of Kronstadt. To be restored Church of All Saints, and the five-domed church was built of wood, named in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Gate Church was restored, hotel and Igumen body. In the early 20th century, the monastery has been completely lined with brick wall. The monastery began to act cobbler and tailor shop, as well as flour mill and a factory where prepared resin, turpentine and tar.

Last reconstruction was waiting for a monastery in 1992, when the temple has acquired a modern look.

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