Gallery "Rubicon"
   Photo Gallery "Rubicon"

If in Olomouc talk about the gallery "Rubicon", while the mean and gallery "La Boheme." It's not the same institution, just change the name, as one might think. Rather, the two galleries, and combined their tasks and works of art belonging to the brush or the chisel of the same artists and personalities of the hosts.

First opened its doors to the public gallery "La Boheme." It was organized in 1992 and was intended for different kinds of exhibitions. It demonstrated not only the artistic paintings, tapestries and ceramics, objects made of semiprecious stones and glass. Gallery has quickly become popular among freestyle artists Olomouc. It began to turn craftsmen, creating a truly unique work of art. Any visitor to the gallery can buy your favorite thing that puts gallery "La Boheme" on a par with souvenir shops, only a higher level.

To participate in the exhibition allowed not only Czech artists and craftsmen from neighboring Slovakia. 9 times a year are organized author's exhibitions, which only increase the interest of visitors to the gallery "La Boheme."

In 2001, the owners of the exhibition hall "La Boheme" Zakova Helena and her daughter Bronislaw Pauchkova opened gallery "Rubicon". Its premises were shown as photographs, graphics, textiles and leather. In 2010 there was a unification of the two galleries under one guise - "Rubicon". Rooms modern gallery "Rubicon" are located in the building where she worked Gallery "La Boheme."

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