Archaeological Reserve in Lyubytino
   Photo: Archaeological Reserve in Lyubytino

The unique uniqueness is one of the oldest settlements of the Novgorod region - Lyubytino. This uniqueness is due to a large number of monuments of special value from the archaeological point of view. All sites are a relatively small area, such crowding of historic buildings in Europe are not present.

Archaeological sites are scattered throughout the territory. Near the bridge on the river MSTA climb high hills, affecting its grandeur. The hills are man-made hills about ten-high, hidden beneath the Slavic burial structures. In the entire district can count about two hundred of these mounds. This mound hills worshiped in the days of the Gentiles.
Most all of these hills stands the mound length of about one hundred and sixty meters, which is a group of forty seven hills, their average height is no more than nine meters. Throughout the North-West of the Russian Federation can not be found anywhere else such a concentration of such monumental sites.

His residence was chosen Lyubotynskie Slavic princes of the earth because of the convenient waterway for which were brought tribute. At the end of the first millennium Lyubytino could compete with Novgorod. Between them was to begin competing for supremacy and superiority, but for unknown reasons it did not happen. Information about the time and the events realized very little. The surviving chronicles scarce, it is known authentically only that in 947, Princess Olga of Kiev brought to these lands his squad. Its main purpose was to subdue the basins MSTA and meadows of his power. On the territory of Lyubytino Olga founded the princely churchyard, who entered the Novgorod possession.

In order to preserve the monuments Lyubytino neighborhood in 1986 was declared a nature reserve .  In the hills installed security signs .  Ten centuries of the history of this small part of the Russian land is inextricably linked with the fate of the great people of Russia, such as elder Amfilohije, who brought the people to the Word of God and breathed life into Rekonsky Monastery .  It is impossible not to recall the Venerable Nicander Gorodzenskogo, founded Nikandrov desert on the shores of Lake Gorodno .  After his death, the miracles that took place at the tomb, glorify his name .  The life and deeds have become an example and a guide to action for many people .  The great Russian commander, generalissimo - Alexander Suvorov often visited these places .  In the village of Kamenka was located patrimony Suvorovs .  And now you can visit the church of Alexander Nevsky and the manor house estates, which are very well preserved .  According to some sources A . AT .  Suvorov was born in this name, but not in Moscow .

Residents Lyubytino and surrounding villages have made a significant contribution during the War of 1812. This event was immortalized by the majestic church of the Assumption, a major role in the construction played by Colonel Alexander Khanykov. The temple, which can be visited today, is "with the ringing of a temple." At the time when the temple was built, it was a very rare type of the church. The church was built under the direction of renowned architect of Lviv, according to other sources was the architect Stasov. From the church offers amazing in its beauty view of the other historical sites - the ancestral estate of Ivan Logginovich Goremykin, who was the last Prime Minister under Tsar Nicholas II.

Lyubytino - this is truly an amazing place that has a rich, thousand-year history. It is a place that can be the beginning of the rebirth of our spirituality.

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