Vyksa Iver Monastery
   Photo: Vyksa Iver Monastery

Iversky Women's Monastery, located in the town of Vyksa Nizhny Novgorod region, founded by St. Barnabas Gethsemane in 1863. Barnabas of Gethsemane (Vasily Merkulov) was a novice Gethsemane monastery Trinity-Sergius Lavra. With the active support and care of the elder Barnabas in the nineteenth century Vyksa Iberian monastery became one of the largest monasteries in the diocese, and more than a thousand nuns. In 1927, the explosion of the main temples of the monastery did not want to leave the monastery sisters-skhimnitsy were buried alive in their cells.

From 1870 to 1900, the territory were built churches, bell tower and numerous body cells with outbuildings. The architectural complex of the monastery of Iver include: Cathedral of the Iberian Mother of God (1877), the Cathedral of the Trinity (1909 Arch. P.A.Vinogradov), 68-meter bell tower (1876) and the Church of the Assumption (1887). In the top tier are the bell tower clock, play every fifteen minutes church melody.

Today on the site of the ruined cathedral in the twenties of the Iberian Mother of God was laid out square, but instead next to the monastery bell tower was built in 1993. The new church of the Iberian Mother of God. There is a huge five-domed cathedral restoration of the Trinity in the pseudo-Russian style, which survived only the outer walls. In the church of the Assumption of Mary, decorated with rich decor, ending restoration of interior decoration. The church is adjacent to the two-story hospital building. At the monastery in 2011, a monument was erected to Barnabas Gethsemane.

The Vyksa Iver monastery live and are educated orphaned girls.

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