The Brooklyn Bridge
   Photos: Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge over the East River connecting Manhattan with Brooklyn - one of the most popular attractions in New York. When it was built in 1883, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world (almost two kilometers). Neo-Gothic style, characteristic pointed arches above the passageways through huge granite towers, the web of steel cables - all still inspires creativity. The bridge described in verse and prose, are imprinted in pictures and photos, star in a movie. He became the unquestionable symbol of New York.

For this to happen, needed engineering and human feat.

Engineer John August Roebling began work on the Brooklyn Bridge in 1867. Roebling was already known for its suspension bridge that he built with them developed special steel cables. During the preparatory stage there was an accident - an engineer standing on the edge of the dock, the ferry approached crushed his foot. After the amputation of fingers turned out that Roebling tetanus. The engineer died after 24 days.

Manage project was the eldest son of Roebling, Washington in August. As a support for the bridge towers he used caissons. With their use of the construction was going faster, but a side effect of working with them was a caisson disease. Consequences - joint pain, convulsions, paralysis and often death. From the bends in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge has suffered more than a hundred employees, including Washington Roebling.

He suffered very much - so that he could not get up. And then the daily supervision of the construction took over Roebling's wife, Emily.

I had never been to engineer led such a large and complex project in the distance. It lasted fourteen years. Emily became a nurse for her husband, a partner, a co-author and confidant. She used to work in Washington was interested, and now studied higher mathematics, strength of materials, and many other disciplines. Emily had to deal with politicians, engineers, workers, and no one doubted her competence. In 1882, there was a question whether to keep Roebling as chief engineer - Emily made and proved that she and her husband will bring the matter to an end.

When the bridge was finished, she crossed it first - in a carriage, holding a cock on her knees as a sign of victory.

Six days after the grand opening on the bridge there was a panic in which people died - Pedestrians for some reason decided that the building collapses. To reassure residents, Phineas Barnum held by Brooklyn Bridge caravan from his circus animals, including all the elephants, of which there were 21. Of course, the bridge survived. He had to endure - Roebling said that the building has six-fold safety margin. The stability of the bridge was once again proved by September 11, 2001, when a crowd of people ran over him to Manhattan after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers.

Tourists are always advised to walk across the bridge: hence the great views. But it's not just them. Brooklyn Bridge - a monument of engineering genius and the human spirit.

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