Museum of the City of New York
   Photo: Museum of the City of New York

Museum of the City of New York is located on Fifth Avenue, near the Museum Mile - both an art gallery and history museum. He talks about how to create, grow and develop in New York.

The five-storey building in neogeorgianskom style of dark red brick with white trim, overlooking the Central Park, was designed by Joseph Friedlander in 1932 specifically for the museum. There are about 750 thousand items - prints, photographs, objects of arts and crafts, costumes, paintings, sculptures, books, manuscripts, and even toys.

Among the exhibits there are unique - for example, a chair Sarah quail. This simple, somewhat rude chair of the XVII century, made of walnut wood, belonged to Sarah quail - it is believed that she was the first white child Christian, born in 1625 in Fort Orange, the first permanent Dutch settlement in America.

About how started in New York, told Card, watercolors, prints, starting from the middle of the XVII century. Pictures Ralph Blakelock, Child Hessema, Asher Durand, Reginald Marsh represent views of New York City, more than a hundred paintings and prints depict the local harbor (the work of American marine painters James Butterworth, Thomas Birch, Gordon Grant).

Widely represented family and personal documents, letters, which can be traced back as the history of individuals interwoven with the history of the city. Numerous photographs, negatives and daguerreotypes show changes in the landscape and way of life. Construction of skyscrapers, the Great Depression, the New York times of World War II and after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 - all this is reflected in portraits and landscape photographers.

If the tourist bored looking at photographs and documents on the property, it can be found with a collection of costumes and textiles. It includes more than 25 thousand items - clothing, footwear, umbrellas, hats, fashion accessories, jewelry. You can see, for example, that in 1860 put the ball in honor of the Prince of Wales, in 1883 - to the ball and Vanderbilt in 1966 - the famous Black and White Ball Truman Capote at the hotel "Plaza".

The museum is one of the most significant collections of the New York furniture XVIII and XIX centuries, as well as silver and Chinese porcelain. The huge theater collection consists of tens of thousands of folders containing bills, contracts, letters, autographs, notes, newspaper clippings, photos, reviews and obituaries.

Themed galleries are devoted to the history of firefighting, trade, port operations. A separate gallery is filled with toys, from the XVIII century to the present day: dollhouse, dolls, electric trains, games and trinkets.

Of great interest to tourists are the Rockefeller room - donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr. furniture allowed to furnish several rooms exactly as it was in his father's house. Luxurious furniture in cherry, maple, walnut, inlaid with mother of pearl, marble, gives an idea of ​​the environment in which he lived the world's first dollar millionaire.

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