Historical Museum "Orthodox Myshkin"
   Photo: Museum of History "Orthodox Myshkin"

Historical Museum "Orthodox Myshkin", or Heritage Center Museum of family collections, located on St. Nicholas Square, 5 in the city of Myshkin.

The Museum was born in 1999. Its creator was made by Sergey Kurov, artist and teacher. He created the museum as a tribute to the architectural monuments, the first stone church in the city - St. Nicholas Cathedral, built in 1764. The Museum was named the Museum of Nicholas and was located at the center of the "carving", because here Sergey spent circles on drawing and wood carving for children and adults.

Work was carried out and the organization of exhibitions. So, in 2001 Myshkinsky carvers were from Yaroslavl region in Moscow and exhibited his works at the IV Moscow Children's Festival of Arts and Crafts "Masters" in the Russian Museum of Decorative-Applied and Folk Art (VNDPNI) and were awarded "Diploma". In 2002, an exhibition in Myshkin "carving", very popular among local people and visitors to the city, which was attended not only children but also teachers Myshkinsky schools. Currently, work is in museum circles discontinued, but organized archive and advisory activities with a population of arts and crafts and local history, as well as carried out the research work. However, the topic of wood carving in the design of the museum, and there is continued.

Over time, studying the history of the city Myshkin Myshkin and county through the completion of archival materials and the collection of exhibits, the Museum of the Orthodox turned into a family museum collections. Orthodox and Orthodox education in the family and school to the revolutionary events of 1917 continue to be the main directions of work of the museum. Is collecting material on education in the county Myshkinsky post-revolutionary time.

In the museum are the main sections. The first is called "Volga-discovery" (the Volga, the subject base Myshkin Volgostroy, Uchemskaya abode Mologa). The second section is devoted to the work of photographers SI Kolpakova. There are old photos Myshkin, churches and chapels, family snapshots.

The third section tells the story of Alexander Petrovich Berezina - famous myshkintse, the shepherdess from a very poor family, the future head of St. Petersburg, the first guild merchant, builder of the Ascension Church in St. Petersburg, St. Nicholas Cathedral in Myshkin, Ascension Church in Ohotin, the first in our country, public school under Catherine II and all at his own expense. Through AP Berezina Myshkin was given the status of the city, and it became the capital of the county.

The fourth section - "Myshkin priests" (AI Uspensky, A. Bratanovsky, AI Poretsky, Bogoyavlenskii, AL Trinity, and others). The fifth is called "Our countrymen - future bishops." It tells about Metropolitan Yekaterinodar and Stavropol Agafodora (Transfiguration), Archbishop Ryazan Silvestre (Bratanovskom and others. The exhibition introduces visitors to the things and documents of the time. The documents, icons, pictures, ancient books, children's children's work and so can be seen in the sixth section " St. Nicholas and St. Nicholas Cathedral. "

The seventh section "The Museum Andronicus" tells about the life of Archbishop Andronicus. The exhibition has quite a few original things that surrounded him and to which he touched. In addition, it highlights the theme of the Church in Myshkin in the first half of the XX century (files, documents), the Old Believers in Russia, etc.

The museum exhibits collections of the family room and Orthodox education. Here you can see the letters, photos, sermons in the manuscripts, cards, premium sheets, household items from the family archives, etc.

Historical Museum "Orthodox Myshkin" in 2003, recognized as the most unique museum in the Yaroslavl region.

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Historical Museum Orthodox Myshkin
Open-air museum