   Photo: Paradise Valley

Paradise Valley - one of the most famous natural attractions of Morocco. This scenic area is located at an altitude of 1,600 meters at Mount High Atlas, 30 kilometers from the city of Agadir. A huge deep valley and is surrounded by green palm groves and fruit orchards. Flows through the Paradise Valley deep river originates in the mountains.

In the heart of the scenic valley is a small Moroccan town called Immuzer. Located in the palm grove, he is likely to appeal to all lovers of nature and silence.

It has long been the land of the Berbers occupy engaged in farming on terraced hillsides. In the 70-ies. Paradise Valley area was chosen by hippies wanting to enjoy the solitude and pristine nature.

Due to the fact that local places are famous for producing many varieties of honey, Paradise Valley is also known as the Honey way. Visitors can taste and buy here orange, lavender and cactus honey.

Going down the valley, you can see the river, which forms an interesting sprinkles waterfalls with plunge pool filled with ice-cold crystal-clear water. Filling a cascade of pools, water stream runs down quickly and spread widely throughout the valley, creating numerous small ponds and creeks.

The local air is warmed by the warm sunshine and filled with scents of flowering trees. In the valley itself are very few people, because nobody lives here and tourists are not so much. In this silence you can hear the murmur of flowing water, birds singing, bees buzzing and the quiet rustle of leaves, and the cold from the river and the shade from the trees give the invigorating coolness during the exhausting heat. In the Paradise Valley, a lot of water, so it is completely overgrown with tall palm trees, almond trees, cactuses and many other plants.

Particularly popular valley brought paved path through it for tracking. Not far from the Paradise Valley is an amazing waterfall unusual white color, due to flowing over the limestone water.

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