Monument "Girl with umbrella"
   Photo: Monument "Girl with umbrella"

Monument "Girl with umbrella" in the Mikhailovsky square in Minsk was established in 2000. It is a monument to the young girls and children - victims of the terrible tragedy at the metro station "Nemiga".

May 30, 1999 on the banks of the river Svisloch held festivities dedicated to the recent calls of schoolchildren. Among the festivities was the concert of "Mango Mango". Thousands of high school students in the day took to the streets to celebrate the one and only holiday in my life. Many of the students wanted to go to a concert of your favorite band. Suddenly, the weather deteriorated sharply, and went to heavy rain with large hail. Many girls and boys ran to a small and narrow pedestrian crossing near the metro station "Nemiga" to escape the bad weather, where there was a terrible stampede in which 53 people died. More than a hundred people survived the crush, but received injuries of varying severity.

The whole country is in those sorrowful days wore mourning for their sons and daughters, who died in a terrible crush.

The tragedy shocked the talented sculptor and Belarus Vladimir Zhbanov. While he was working on a sculpture of a girl under an umbrella, for which he posed for his ten-year-daughter Masha. It was originally planned to create a sculpture of a girl waiting for a trolley bus at the bus stop, but the tragedy has changed the original intention of the artist, his sculptures were made significant changes.

Thus was created the most sad and touching sculpture of Vladimir Zhbanov - barefoot girl in wet dress with torn hail umbrella in hand. St. Michael's Square - a popular holiday destination in Minsk. Many people saw a strange sculpture of a girl with tattered umbrella, but few people know that this emotional response to pain sculptor citizens of his country.

During the life of the sculptor rumors began to circulate about the unusual properties of his creations. After the death of Zhbanov began to say that he knew some mystical secret, and each of his work gave special properties. So, they say that touched the girl with an umbrella will get round accidents.

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