Canyon Barranca del Cobre is located in northern Mexico, the territory of which lies the famous mountain range of the 20 canyons - Sierra Madre Occidental (App. "Earth mother"). Here mine gold and silver. 50 thousand square kilometers - peaks and troughs ground. Approximately the same area takes Costa Rica.
Here, with viewing platforms for tourists it offers some spectacular views. One of the most breathtaking panoramas - a place where canyons Barranca del Cobre, Urique and Tararekua into each other. According to legend, these canyons were formed during the creation of the world, when the stones were not hard as now, but soft and pliable.
The world-famous Canyon Barranca del Cobre became not only because of the amazing landscapes but also because of the local railway, on which you can drive in a comfortable train "Chepe." On the way from the windows of the coupe offers amazing views of the beautiful mountain waterfalls, two of which are among the most beautiful in the world - Piedra Volada and Basaseachi. First, the height of 453 meters, is still one of the highest on the planet.
In local villages inhabited by wonderful people - Tarahumara Indians. Get introduced to their way of life is possible, leaving the train at a station - in the town of Creel. This is the highest point on the road - 2440 meters above sea level. Flora and fauna are very diverse and truly impresses with its beauty.
Incidentally, the railway, the length of 938 kilometers, originates from the city Ohinaga - on the border of the United States and Mexico, and ends at the port of Topolobampo on the Pacific coast. Along the way the train crosses 37 bridges, and the highest 99 tunnels.
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