Source Carolina
   Photo: Carolina Source

Beautiful white colonnade, built in 1869, is located right in the city center. It protects against wind and dust Carolina source water differs sour taste and contains magnesium, which helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and promotes the excretion of kidney stones.

The name of the source was in honor of a beautiful woman - life partner of Emperor Franz II - Caroline Augusta of Bavaria.

Source Carolina opened in 1809. Initially, it was called New. Locals and guests of the resort did not pay attention to the fact that it was difficult for him to come, and still drank water from it. Soon, the city government brought to power Rudolph colonnade. In 1811 it was restored. Works were supervised by the architect Josef Esch. Originally the colonnade consisted only of a circular arbor topped with a dome and decorated with Corinthian columns. Two wing was attached to it much later - in 1872.

At the end of the XIX century it was carried out extensive reconstruction of this building. Instead, there was a cast-iron wood structure, delicate and graceful colonnade, decorated in neo-baroque style.

There was a time when access to the source Carolina has been banned. Spring withdrawn under the shadow of the baths, which are located in the neighborhood. Only the guests of this establishment can drink the healing water from the thermal source Carolina. This situation did not like very much, so the public was able to secure the return of the source to the previous place. It happened in the years 1929-1930. Colonnade destroyed again at the end of the XX century, and then built a new one, we can see now.

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