Military Museum
   Pictures: Military Museum

Military Museum, located in the surviving wing of the palace Buen Retiro, built between 1630 and 1635 years, is rightly considered one of the most interesting and informative museums of Madrid. The museum shows us the way of the Spanish weapons, it tells the story of the military history of Spain.

The idea of ​​creating a museum of Spanish weapons put forward a favorite of Queen Marie-Louise, wife of Charles IV, Manuel Godoy. Initially, some fragments of the collection of weapons were in different places, and only in 1841, the museum identified his permanent place of residence - the Palace of Buen Retiro.

The first museum collection was presented only artillery weapons. Then it began to join other types of weapons. To date, the museum's collection includes a huge number of artifacts from the Paleolithic era weapons, and to weapons and military equipment belonging to the first half of the 20th century.

The museum consists of several themed rooms. The Spanish Hall put up the sword of national hero El Cid, the Arab hall you will see a tunic and sword, the last ruler of Granada - Boabdil. There are Hall of Franco, Colonial room, dedicated to the Spanish Civil War.

The breathtaking interior of the museum. Special attention is given Hall of Kingdoms - Salon de la Reynosa. There are exhibits relating to the military history of the kingdoms ever were a part of Spain. The ceiling is painted with symbolic images of 24 kingdoms, which were at various times part of the Spanish kingdom, the walls of the hall are decorated with their coats of arms. The luxurious interior decoration of the Hall of Kingdoms participated outstanding Spanish artist Velazquez.

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