Covered Bridge
   Photo: Covered Bridge

Covered bridge - one of the recognizable symbols of Lovech, the most visited city attractions.

By the end of the XIX century it became necessary to build a bridge over Osam. Townspeople turned to Nicole Fichevu, master self-taught, with a request to build a covered bridge, so you can position the retail shops on both sides of the structure. In 1874 he began the construction of the master, and by 1876, the bridge was ready.

Its width - 10 meters, length - 84 meters. Basics bridge made of stone, the rest of the bridge - a wooden. Throughout the architect of the bridge were located more than 60 shops and workshops for merchants and artisans. Subsequently, this is a small market on the bridge served the majority of villages and district residents themselves Lovech.

Most decorated sculptural figures - a lion-headed eagle, a staff with a spherical head and a female bust. Keeping only the figure of a lion.

In 1925 the bridge burned down. From 1927 to 1931 he went on to build a new structure on the site of the old. Covered bridge made of reinforced concrete was later rebuilt so that it is visually indistinguishable from its wooden predecessor.

Covered Bridge linked the new and old part of Lovech. Old Town intentionally turned into a museum "Varosha", where the Ethnographic Museum and the Museum of Vassil Levski.

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