Household Cavalry Museum
   Photo: The Museum of the Royal Horse Guards

Museum of the Royal Horse Guards in Whitehall was opened in 2007. The headquarters of the Horse Guards, where the museum is located, is in the center of the old government buildings. It includes the Old Admiralty building, Banquet House (in front of which was executed King Charles I), the prime minister's residence at 10 Downing Street and the Foreign Office (Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Before headquarters is ground on which the annual parades in honor of the queen.

Permanent home in Whitehall Guard acquired in 1775, occupying a building constructed specifically for this project by William Kent. In addition to the Horse Guards, there is now also the headquarters garrison of London.

The room in the building of the XVIII century, chosen for the museum, was in extremely poor condition: in the past it was used as a warehouse. Wonderful vaulted ceiling was hidden behind concrete beams, paved floor covered with a meter of concrete. During the restoration of the original interior was discovered ancient stained glass window - right now it has become part of the exhibition. On the dial clock tower adorning the main building, visible black mark: they correspond to the time of execution of King Charles I. In the basement there is a playground for cock fights, which were once popular in the Guards.

The museum is divided into two parts: a historical gallery and existing stables. The historical part is about the development of the Horse Guards since 1664, when it created the King Charles II. Guards played a prominent role in the victory at Waterloo, suffered terrible losses in the Crimean War, machine-gun armament found in the First World, move on armored vehicles during World War II. Now the Royal Horse Guards - not only the parade and the ceremonial part, but also a powerful fighting force, armed with modern technology, past the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This recruit young men, as a rule, did not have before it the case with horses that did not have to retrain. All guards are ready to perform ceremonial functions - learn dressage horse, participate in parades and guard duty. Particular attention is given to appearance: polished jackboots takes up to three hours, Breastplate must dazzling sparkle. The museum has uniforms and weapons from all eras, personal belongings guards, pictures, awards, documents.

Very interesting part of the museum comprise Guard stables located behind the glass - there is visible in every detail the process of caring for the horses. The visitor can try on the shape of guards, consisting of 51 subjects (this is especially popular with the children). Right at the entrance to the museum every day at eleven o'clock you can admire the rare colorful spectacle - changing of the guard of horse.

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