The village Perivolia
   Photo: The village Perivolia

Perivolia Village, located just 16 kilometers west of the town of Larnaca, which once had the status of a royal "resort" and was considered a favorite destination of aristocracy and rich people. The village is also famous for its wonderful orchards, friendly people and a special relaxing atmosphere.

Earlier, when this territory was dominated by the French, the town belonged to the royal family of Lusignan - with 1191 for 1489. The last owner of the French village of Lusignan became Charles, but he lost his possessions due to the fact that supported the then Queen Charlotte of Cyprus. And in the days of the Venetians Perivol it was sold to a wealthy Greek family Podokatares, who controlled these lands until 1571.

Until the beginning of XX century, every year the population of all villages declined - in 1881 there lived only 375 people. However, with the advent of the new century, the demographic situation has changed radically. Already in 2001, the population increased to 1,920 Perivol residents. At the moment, there is a population of about two thousand people. In addition, each summer village just overwhelmed with tourists, Cypriots and foreigners - come back every year for at least five thousand guests.

Due to its long and rich history in the village there are lots of interesting places worth visiting - beautiful buildings, old churches, ramparts. So, the main attraction is considered Perivol defensive tower, which was built in the XVI century. The tower, though very small, only eight meters in height, but is an important historical monument of the Venetian period.

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