Catherine Square
   Photo: Catherine Square

Catherine Square in Krasnodar was included among the main attractions at the All Russian television contest in 2013. It is believed that from this point onwards the current city of Krasnodar. In the XVIII century. this place was broken marvelous park in front of the palace of Ataman. Unfortunately, the building of the palace has been preserved, as well as magnificent gardens and parks. It preserved only rare for these places ginkgo tree, brought from China.

In 1907, in gratitude for the donated fertile land Kuban Cossack Ataman Palace was erected in front of the monument benefactress - Empress Catherine II. After the revolution, in the 20s the monument was dismantled. Square first was named YM Sverdlov, then the name of the VI Lenin. On the monument was forgotten.

In the 2000s, at the initiative of City Council, it was decided to rename the park and in the revival of the monument to Catherine the Great Catherine. By surviving drawings for four years, the monument was restored and in 2006 inaugurated. The majestic empress in purple, with a scepter and orb in hand, peering into the majestic expanse of the Kuban. Under my feet the entire height of the pedestal unrolled Letters Patent of 30 June 1792 have left the pedestal on a background of battle flags and military symbols towering figure of Prince Potemkin-Tauride. Right - three ataman. Anton Holovaty, Zahar Chepega Sidor and White were the first troops of the Black Sea Cossack atamans. Behind the monument - a sculptural group - the blind Kobzar with povodyrёm and description of significant victories of the Cossacks on the Russian side.

Near the square is the Alexander Nevsky church, on the other hand - the building of the Legislative Assembly and a beautiful fountain.

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