Exaltation of the Cross Church in Nikitintsah
   Photo: Exaltation of the Cross Church in Nikitintsah

Exaltation of the Cross church in the village Nikitintsy - is the main attraction of this region. The village is located in the Kosovo district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the banks of the river Pistynki, 15 kilometers south of the town of Coloma.

Nikitinskaya wooden church of the Exaltation of the Precious Cross was built in 1859 and existed here since 1764 Exaltation church was converted into a bell tower. All this complex was declared a monument of national importance. Exaltation of the Cross church belongs to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Khramov day was scheduled on September 27.

Wooden Phillips in terms of the church - one-domed, it has a very short side branches and its surrounds ATTIC, which relies on the issues of crowns of log cabins. By the terms of the eastern north and south adjacent to the tiny wooden houses. Central frame rises significantly above the rest to the ridge of pitched roofs and is stocky with a slightly flattened octagon head, topped with a cupola. Very nice looks the main entrance to the temple - it is decorated porch on carved posts. The entire building, except for the head, was trimmed shingles.

The interior of the church is decorated with wall Vozdvizhenskaya tempera paintings of the XIX century. On the west side of the monument is square in plan three-tier wooden belfry with a big outdoor gallery and a tent top. It has a few unusual completion: tent belfry crowned five tiny domes - central and side, laden with the corners. Two tiers - first and second - chopped, and the upper - frame. Paul (decking) of the third tier from the bottom side has a painting of the XVIII century (the board with painting, most likely came here during the renovation).

Exaltation of the Cross church in the village has unique features Nikitintsy school Hutsul folk wooden architecture.

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