Mountain Sampo
   Photos: Mountain Sampo

Sampo Mountain is 37 km from the city of Petrozavodsk, on the territory of Kondopoga region. You can reach it by private transport or with a tour group, buses, moving on from Marcial water Konchezero and Savior lip on Sampo stop.

In the Karelian-Finnish mythology, the Sampo takes the place of a unique miracle of the subject, which has magical powers and is a source of happiness, abundance and prosperity. Usually it is presented in the form of a mill.

According to the legends of the runes, Sampo was forged by Ilmarinen as a ransom for the wedding of the daughter of the old woman Louhi, hostess Pohёly to which courted Ilmarinen. Sampo thanks to its magic power can grind as much money, salt and bread that will be enough not only for food and supplies, but also to the device peers. The roof of the mill symbolizes the celestial dome dotted with numerous stars rotating around the center of its axis - the support for the whole world is no way.

On the motives of the world famous Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala" Sampo on the mountain in the 1960s she starred eponymous film "Sampo". The central plot of the epic is the kidnapping of Sampo Pohely: Väinämöinen goes to Pohelu with Ilmarinen and Lemminkainen, lulls people and gets Sampo from under the mountain. At the time when he takes away the Sampo in a boat wakes hostess Pohely and catches thieves.

During their struggle Sampo inadvertently broken and its fragments are drowning in the sea, but later part of the wreckage of the fabulous mill were brought to shore by waves of Kalevala. He catches and buried them in the ground wise Väinämöinen. Since that time in Karelia all settled happiness and contentment, and the mountain is a place of Sampo force and execution of the most cherished dreams. On the mountain growing desire tree - an ancient and mighty pines, making a wish on her need to hang on to shred her clothes.

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