The architectural ensemble of "Kizhi"
   Photo: The architectural ensemble "Kizhi"

The main attraction of the island and the museum - an architectural ensemble consisting of two churches and bell towers. The pinnacle of Russian wooden architecture is a summer church Preobrozheniya Lord. The church is crowned with 22 central administrations. They finished with shingles - plates of aspen, which is silvery in the sun. The height of the church - 37 meters. It preserved a unique iconostasis of the XVIII century.

The second church ensemble - winter, in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God - built half a century after the Transfiguration. The church is crowned with nine domes.

Both churches quite spacious, especially the Transfiguration. Here, in the refectory held gatherings of peasants from nearby villages who formed Kizhi churchyard. Existing quadriceps iconostasis Protection Church is made up of authentic icons, many of which were written specifically for this church. The oldest of them dates back to the XVI century. The Intercession Church services are held during the summer and up to the Veil.

The architectural ensemble of the two main churches of Kizhi harmoniously into belfry with a belfry. It was built in 1862-1874 gg. quite traditional: the octagon on the quadrangle, which is topped by a cross. The height of the bell tower of 30 meters. It offers wonderful views of the area and the water surface of Lake Onega.

One of the most ancient monuments of wooden architecture of the Russian North is Kletskaya Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus (1244-1352 gg.), Brought to the island from the Murom monastery in 1959. It is believed that she was cut down by St. Lazarus Murom. It's extremely simple structure without cupola resembles an ordinary small cottage with a gable roof.

When approaching the island, in addition to the main architectural ensemble, which immediately attracts the attention of tourists with its majesty, here and there you see the chapel, as well as peasant houses and outbuildings, barns, mills, baths, most of which were built in the XIX - early XX centuries . They were brought here from the neighboring villages. In the center of the museum exhibition is the Chapel of the Archangel Michael (beginning of XVIII c.), Brought from the village Lelikozero. In the chapel the efforts of the museum staff and restorers restored authentic interior. The church is decorated with a two-tier iconostasis tyablovy and so-called "sky", the center of which is an icon of Christ Pantocrator.

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