Narzan gallery
   Photo: Narzan gallery

Narzan gallery in Kislovodsk is an outstanding monument of architecture. It is situated on Karl Marx Avenue, near the entrance to the spa park. The gallery was built in 1848 by architect Samuel Upton.

The two-storey building in the style of gothic romanticism in its shape resembles a keyhole. The facade is decorated with turrets and arches. The centerpiece of the gallery takes the source of mineral water. Initially, the northern part of the building rented by the room visitors.

The first wooden well around the source of mineral water was built in 1823. Next to him was a taut canopy of canvas that protected travelers from the sun and weather. Thirty years later, Earl S. Vorontsov invited from England Upton architect for the construction of a covered gallery, which would be interconnected source and baths. Wooden well around the source was replaced with a stone, and enclosed with lattice. Initially people scraped water directly from the pool, built in the form of a funnel. Later narzan source was covered with a glass dome, and in the walls of the well equipped faucet, from which water flowed. Because seltzer water is enriched with oxygen and foaming, well called "boiling".

It is worth mentioning that the gallery has reached our time almost intact. "Boiling well" today plays a decorative role - the healing water from the pump room are gaining in the gallery. This drinking water - seltzer sulphate, dolomite and Zhelyabovsky. Sulphate seltzer, as the name suggests, is rich in sulphates - this water is most often used for treatment. Dolomite seltzer is characterized by high mineralization, which helps remove toxins from the body. A Zhelyabovsky has excellent taste.

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