Mansion merchant Zhdanov
   Photo: House of merchant Zhdanov

One of the most notable buildings is a mansion of the merchant Kashin AP Zhdanov. This grandiose residential building - the only one in the city structure, built in lush eclectic forms, corresponds to the level of St. Petersburg architecture of the third quarter of XIX century. House admired contemporaries provincials its impressive decor and excessive wealth.

The building was built in the 1860s on the merchant Zhdanov. There is information that the construction of the house was spent incredibly huge sum - 200 thousand rubles. In those days it was a lot of money. Some time later, probably in the 1880s, to the house from the rear side of the lane line, which runs down to Kashinka, elongated extension was built. There was a garden sloping down to the river from the yard. There is evidence indicating that the I floor of the house was equipped with a magnificent dining room and a billiard room, and upstairs was arranged winter garden, which was a rarity.

Interior layout mansion differed no less luxurious than his appearance (in some descriptions even surpassed). All the magnificent decoration was imported. The city is known for story telling that if the owner of the house, not wanting to give up in the scope of construction works capital aristocrats and even "work around" them, the king sought permission to gilt roof.

In the late 80-ies of the XIX century, the house was converted into Zhdanov female pre-gymnasium. In 1905, she became the Mariinsky gymnasium. Currently, the mansion of the merchant Zhdanov takes Kashinsky registrar.

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