Death Valley
   Photo: Death Valley

The world-famous Death Valley - this is one of the most interesting and mysterious sights of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Located at the foot of the volcano Kikhpinych in the Upper Geyser river valley is part Koronotskogo reserve. The area of ​​up to about 2 km in length, width - 100-300 m.

At first glance, Death Valley is a rather picturesque and safe place. Particularly attracted the attention of the western slope of the volcano down to the river and thus forms a series of amazing terraces, over which clouds of steam from hot springs.

Death Valley - a mysterious and dangerous place about which the world learned in 1930, when in these places got lost several hunting dogs. Some time later, the animals were found dead. Near the bodies of dogs and hunters have discovered a huge number of dead birds were lying on the bare, without a single blade of grass land. It raises many questions and the fact that after visiting Death Valley and the health of the hunters surviving dogs inexplicably deteriorated sharply.

After this incident, the study of the valley decided to take the local forest ranger reserve B. Kaliayev and volcanologist Leonov. They were the pioneers of the Valley in July 1975. Since that time, for a more detailed study of the Valley of Death visited more than one scientific and tourist expedition. Unfortunately, not all of them have ended successfully.

Initially, scientists and researchers are of the opinion that people and animals have died here because of saturated with volcanic gases air of the valley. However, these substances have sufficiently slow action. Only in 1982, researchers discovered that volcanic gases in the Valley there are also highly toxic cyanide compounds. The cause of the mass death of animals have become these underground toxic gases accumulating in Death Valley. However, scientists still have not managed to completely unravel the mysteries of this natural phenomenon of Kamchatka.

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