Hasedera Temple
   Photo: Temple Hasedera

At Hasedera temple has a beautiful legend about its foundation. According to legend, a monk who lived in the mountains near the village of Asuka at the beginning of the VIII century carved from camphor wood statue of the goddess Kannon and left her in a local church called Hasedera. However, a piece of wood was so great that the monk decided to cut another figure of the bodhisattva, and let her go with the waves of the sea. After 15 years the statue ashore near Kamakura, and the goddess was built another "house", also called Hasederoy. The temple is also known under the name of Hase-Kannon.

The statue of the goddess is one of the largest wooden statues in Japan, its height is more than 9 meters. In wooden and gilded Kannon 11 heads, each of which represents one of the stages on the path to enlightenment. In addition, the images are presented in the temple 33 incarnations of Kannon, the goddess of mercy.

The temple is one of the oldest in Kamakura. It was built in 736 by order of the representative of the powerful Fujiwara clan Musasaki, invited for the foundation of the temple priest Tokuda Dzёnin already founded Hase Temple in Yamato.

Near Hasedera located prihramovy city. The temple itself is located on a hillside, and to come to the main building, you need a way to overcome the long covered staircase. In the main building has an outdoor terrace on stilts, like a balcony Kiyomizu-dera Temple. It offers a view of the Pacific Ocean and Kamakura.

The complex Hasedera has a room devoted to children's guardian deity Jizo. His statue is surrounded by numerous stone figures of children who died or were born as a result of abortion. These figures - hundreds, and set the parents of these children. The figure is close to Dzido throughout the year, and then it is replaced by another.

Bell considered the oldest temple in Kamakura, as was cast in 1264, and the temple - the largest Buddhist temple in the city. The temple complex also includes storage of the sutras, the sacred cave, and a garden.

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