Treasury bishopric, library, lapidary
   Photo: Treasury bishopric, library, lapidary

  The treasury Derskogo bishopric presents liturgical objects plan .  Traditional donors - bishops know portrayed the Church of expensive gifts, most often they were items of jewelry, weaving .  In the 15-16 centuries, it was mainly the work of Hungarian artists, but since the 18th century to the beginning of the past because of the significant influence of the Austrian - mostly in Vienna .  The most generous donors were the bishops Ferenc Zichy, Janos Simor János Zalka .  Great value has a rare collection of gothic chalices, the earliest of which dates from the beginning of a sample of 15th century .  The time of King Matthias presented chalices with amazing beauty and complexity of filigree, filigree, enamel .  In the late 17th century, was made one of the most beautiful Gloria's treasury, it has presented the Patronal Agosht Kerestel council of bishops in 1701, the year .  Textile exhibits are ages 15-16 - is a subject of church furnishings and liturgical clothes of priests . 

  Museum Library originated by the merger of the two predecessors: the Library of Seminary and Meeting Tables books Patronal Council. Treasury Győr Bishopric Library and today has 67 thousand. Volumes, first edited 190 books and 362 manuscripts older than 1850. The most valuable book - Corvinus - from a library of Matthias Hunyadi, and the largest in Hungary Code - Zalka-antifonale - from Nadvarada.

  The Lapidarium presents fragments of stone buildings of the fortress and the Episcopal Cathedral of the patronal of the Middle Ages and modern times. Especially interesting: the coat of arms of Anjou (14th century), fragments krestitelnoy fonts (13th century), a Gothic window (15th century), the episcopal coat of arms (16-18 centuries). In the small hall of the permanent exhibition of the sculptor Franz Lebeau.

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