Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) Church
   Photo: Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) Church

Boris and Gleb (Kalozha) church was built in the XII century. It is the oldest architectural monument, it has come down to our time with the pre-Mongol period. The church was supposedly built during the life of Boris and Gleb Vsevolodkovichey and named in honor of the martyrs, patrons of the princes - the Saints Boris and Gleb.

A fire in 1183, started because of a lightning strike in one of the buildings of the city, destroyed almost all of the existing church. There was only Boris and Gleb Church, which temporarily served as the city cathedral church. After passing under the rule of Grodno Lithuania, the church was repeatedly plundered by German soldiers. Every time the church walls neatly patched. As a result of obtaining such an unusual combination of masonry and boulders.

In the XVI century temple repaired and put in order Bogush Boguvitinovich. He restored the ruined walls and a roof. The church services were resumed. But it again ravaged. In the middle of the XVI century, the church was empty, with no windows, doors and the roof, only one wall.

After Brest cathedral in 1596 Kalozha church passed under the Basilian (Uniate) Monastery. Later, numerous attempts to restore Kolosha, but all of them, in the end, it ended in another ruin.

In the middle of the XIX century there was a serious threat of a landslide - the high bank of the Neman on which the church is built, the river washed away. At any time, the temple could collapse. Despite the efforts by the authorities to prevent the landslide measures, on the night of 1 to 2 April 1853 bank of the river, and together with it and the wall of the church collapsed into the water.

In 1897, we strengthened the shore and the wall patched as they could. Since then the city authorities all the time going to restore the ancient church, but no one to hand it does not reach.

Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno is included in the World Heritage Site. In 1991, the church returned to the Orthodox Church, it resumed service.

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