Monument to Alexander Matrosov
   Photo: Monument to Alexander Matrosov

The famous town of Great Luke, one of the banks of the river Lovat, not far from the fortress dominates a large sculptural monument dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union - Alexander Matrosov. Opening of the monument took place in the summer of July 5, 1954. The authors of this project were renowned architect Artomonov VA and sculptor EV Vucetich The monument is located on a large square, named after the hero.

Judging by the official version, the sailor Alexander Matveyevich was born Feb. 5, 1924 in the small city of Dnepropetrovsk (at that time it was called Ekaterinoslav). As a child, young Alexander was left without parents, and education took place in Ivanovo Melekessky and children's homes, which are located in the Ulyanovsk region. After Alexander graduated from the seven years of schooling, he went to work as an assistant tutor in a labor camp in the city of Ufa.

According to the second version, the real name of Alexander Matrosov - Muhamedyanov Shakiryan Yunusovich and he was born in Bashkiria in the village Kunakbaevo. If you believe this information, he took the surname of Sailors, as was the waif after escaped from the house because of the new marriage of his father, and decided to sign it by that name in an orphanage. It is worth noting that the sailor called himself only Matrosov.

From September 1942, Alexander began his studies at the School of Infantry Krasnokholmsk, and shortly after the start of study, in January 1943, its outstanding cadets were sent to war on the Kalinin Front. There Sailors serving in the second Rifle Battalion 91st individual volunteer Siberian brigade named after Stalin. After some time has passed Sailors 254 Infantry Regiment.

In winter, February 27, 1943 we received an order from the second battalion to attack the strong point near the village of ringlets .  The challenge was taken for execution .  At that moment, when Soviet troops crossed the woods and came to the edge of the forest, for it was the incessant firing machine gun fire of German opponents, with three machine guns completely covered any approaches to the small village .  One of the guns was able to suppress the assault group anti-tank riflemen and machine .  The second part of the bunker occupied by other anti-tank riflemen .  Machine gun bunker from the third and continued shelling of the ravine, located in front of the village .  All the attempts to stop him from firing did not end successfully .  Then, toward the bunker stole two privates - Sailors and cucumbers .  Soon Ogurtsov was seriously injured and the sailor decided to act independently, he crawled to the side of the embrasure with flank and threw two grenades, a machine gun and then stopped .  As soon as the Soviet soldiers went into the attack, a machine gun began firing again .  At that moment Sailors stood up and jerk rushed to the bunker, covering his body embrasure .  Thanks feat Alexander Matrosov, who gave his life, Soviet soldiers were able to fulfill its objective . 

Feat of Alexander Matrosov became a symbol of valor and courage, as well as courage and genuine love for the motherland. June 19, 1943 Alexander Matrosov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

When planning the construction of the monument, it was decided to build it on the grave of Alexander Matrosov Matveyevich. Available remains were moved to Vitebsk from a small village called ringlets, where sailors and made his auspicious immortal feat.

Statue of Alexander Matrosov is made of bronze and stands on a granite pedestal. The height of the pedestal is 4, 32 meters, and the height of the statue - 4, 2 meters. Directly on the monument there is a memorial inscription, which states that ordinary Alexander Matrosov, the years of life which during 1924-1943 on 23 February 1943 in a fierce and decisive moment in the battle against the German invaders for the right to mastery of the village ringlets, sacrificed his life than provided significant success of the coming unit.

The famous hero were devoted to works of fine art, literature and movies.

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