Monument Rokossovsky
   Photo: Monument Rokossovsky

The memorial bust dedicated Rokossovsky KK, located in the heart of Great Luke, namely the central Theater Square, not far from the main column of the portico of the facade of the theater of drama and eyes turned toward the square and the city's main street, called Lenin Avenue .

The author of the monument has become a well-known national artist BSSR, and the winner of the State Prize, and an honorary fellow of the USSR Academy of Arts, Corresponding Azgur ZI .. Architect bust Rokossovskogo became Zakharov GA

Rokossovsky Konstantin was born in 1896 in the Pskov region in the family of a railroad worker. During the first four years of Constantine I studied in Warsaw, but soon after his father's death, at age 14, he began to lead an independent life. Initially, he worked as a laborer and then took him to the position of apprentice stonemason. In 1912 Rokossovsky took part in the demonstration, for which reason he was arrested, but soon released because of immaturity.

In 1914, Constantine called on the military front of the First World War, for participation in which he received for bravery emeritus George Cross, ending the war as a junior non-commissioned officer .  In the fall of 1917, he joined the ranks of the Red Guard, and in 1918 he became a member of the Red Army .  For active participation in the civil war Rokossovsky was awarded several medals of honor of the Red Banner .  At the end of 1925, Konstantin graduated from courses related to improving the cavalry commanders .  From 1926 to 1928 he worked as an instructor in the Mongol army .  Throughout 1929 Rokossovsky took courses related to improving the higher the initial composition of the Military Academy named after Frunze M . AT .  Since 1930, he commanded a brigade, regiment and division .  In the city of Pskov in 1937, Konstantin was a commander of Cavalry Corps .  In the same year he was arrested because of connections with the Polish and Japanese intelligence, but, despite the refusal, pleading guilty, served time in prison Norilsk . 

In early 1940 Rokossovskogo released and sent to complete the Chief of the military district in Kiev Army General GK Zhukov In the fields of the Great Patriotic War Rokossovsky KK He proved to be really talented commander. Starting from August 1941 to June 1942 period, he was commander of the 16th Army, after which he took over command of the Don, Bryansk, Belarusian, Central, First Byelorussian and the Second Byelorussian Front, taking an active part in Moscow, Smolensk, Stalingrad and Kursk battles. During the conduct of the East Prussian, Belarusian and East Pomeranian Offensive, when his participation was to end the war in Berlin. For his heroic and outstanding achievements in the course of the Belarusian offensive operation Rokossovsky KK He was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

In 1944 and 1945 Konstantin became twice Hero of the Soviet Union, because of which was awarded the title of the highest military order of the USSR - "Victory". During the June 24, 1945 parade Rokossovsky took command of the parade. After the Great Patriotic War was over, he became head of the Northern Group of Forces. By the end of 1949, Stalin ordered the direction Rokossovskogo on command of the armed Polish forces, making him deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland. Shortly afterwards, Konstantin Konstantinovich was awarded the title of Marshal of Poland. In the Soviet Union, he returned in 1956, took the honorary post of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union. In 1962 Rokossovsky KK It became one of the Inspector General of Defence. After his death he was buried near the Kremlin wall on Red Square.

The memorial bust of twice Hero of the Soviet Union, and Soviet Marshal installed in the city, which was a big part of his life - Great Luke, according to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR established on July 1, 1945.

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