Holy Transfiguration Church
 Photo: Holy Transfiguration Church

Holy Transfiguration Church in Gelendzhik is located in the old cemetery, it was built in the pre-revolutionary times - after 1909 and acted as a cemetery chapel on consecrated in May 1904 the city cemetery. Since 1917, the church of the Assumption regularly stopped working, and later, like most churches, it does shut down. And only since 1952 in the chapel of the cemetery began to hold services.

The chapel has been fitted out as a temple consecrated in the name of the Ascension. In June 1990, the church returned to believers, then began its restoration. In 1993, the church in the old cemetery pereosvyatili and that's when it acquired its present name.

With the blessing of Metropolitan Kuban and Ekaterinodar Eminence Isidore, in 1996 it began construction of the north porch, and bell towers. In January 1998, the bell tower was installed 16-foot tent with a cross and a dome. In 2002, on the site of an old barn and cuisine began construction work on the children's Sunday school. September 1st, 2005 in novovozvedennoy Sunday School classes began with the children. In 2007, the church replaced the central dome. In 2008, it completed construction of the memorial chapel of St. Nicholas, after which it was sanctified, and Kuban Ekaterinodar vicar of the diocese, Bishop Tikhon.

Currently, the Sunday school, serving at Holy Transfiguration Church, taught 50 students. The school taught the following subjects: the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, the law of God, singing, painting, needlework, beadwork. At Easter and Christmas fairs in the city of Gelendzhik regularly exhibited works made by children. The school building is located on the first floor of the Baptistery of baptism for adults and children.

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