Island Rotnest
   Photo: The Island Rotnest

Rotnest Island is located 18 km from the coast of Western Australia, near Fremantle. Local natives of the tribe nungar (noongar) call it "vadzhemap", which means "a place on the other side of the water inhabited by spirits." It is a small island - 11 km long and 4, 5 kilometers at the widest part. Total area - only 19 sq km The entire island is a protected area - it does not have any private property. Australians call it simply Rotto, for nearly 50 years, he is one of the favorite holiday destinations of Western Australia.

Already 30,000 years ago was inhabited by natives Rotneste until about 7000 years ago, sea level has risen not separated the island from the mainland. It is believed that after this event, many thousands of years the island has been uninhabited since the natives had no boat to cross the strait. The first Europeans arrived here in the early 17th century - they were the Dutch sailors. Captain Willem de Vleming in 1696 gave the island the name Ratnest that in Dutch means "rat's nest". Most likely, he did it because of dwelling marsupials Quokka here - they really look like big rats.

In 1830, shortly after the founding of the port of Fremantle, on the island of Rotnest settled certain Robert Thomson with his wife and seven children - here he herded cattle and mining salt, which is then exported to the mainland. From 1838 to 1931 the island was used as a place of exile for "unruly" natives. During the First and Second World Wars are housed an internment camp - mainly Germans, Austrians and Italians. In 1940 on the island we built a small railway, which along with the plants armories and barracks became known as the "Castle Island Rotnest" - Today is a popular tourist attraction.

Wildlife islands is quite remarkable. Rotnest famous for three types of trees that are endemic, that is, do not grow anywhere else in the world - is Rotnesta pine, tea tree, and so-called Rotnesta skunsovoe tree. Among the other members of the local flora - sea mustard, spinifex and wild rosemary, or rosemary.

One of the most amazing inhabitants of the island - a short-tailed kangaroo or Quokka. A large number of its population is - the result of lack of cats and other predators such as foxes.

Very much on Rotneste birds in coastal dunes can be found variegated cormorants, osprey, shorebirds, gulls, terns, herons, parrots and reef. And on the shores of the salt lakes are found Australian Avocet, Turnstone, Curlew, shelduck, wagtails and other birds.

The rich reefs surrounding the island, gave shelter to many species of fish, crustaceans and corals. Sometimes these waters Dolphins, Australian sea lions and even a huge humpback whales.

Today the island Rotnest, is the largest recreational area in the region, visited by about half a million people a year. Most of the tourists - 70% - come in the summer and stay here only for one day to explore the amazing natural and historical heritage of the place. You can also go diving, go fishing or ride a bike along the surf.

It is interesting that Rotneste love to celebrate the end of school graduates - this time of year the island even close to other visitors, and to get it you need to show your passport and school certificate.

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