Dubai Aquarium
   Photo: Dubai Aquarium

Dubai Aquarium - a huge aquarium, which for the biggest in the world (according to Guinness Book of Records) visual panel plexiglass 33,000 sea creatures of all sizes and kinds of artificial live among the corals. Dubai Aquarium is a popular with locals and tourists shopping and entertainment center "Dubai Mall".

Among the many inhabitants of the aquarium the most popular among visitors to enjoy, of course, sharks and rays, but apart from them there is something to see, for example, fascinating, incredible numbers of schools of pelagic fish, or a giant, more like a sumo wrestler than fish , sea bass.

A considerable part of the aquarium can be viewed from the outside, and completely free of charge, but if the goal is not to save, it is possible for a fee to get into the tunnel underneath the aquarium water and meet the residents closer. Particularly interesting here is the dark cave, where you face to face to face immediately with a dozen sharp-toothed sharks. Well, for those that were not enough, for a fee it is possible to find yourself dressed in a suit on the other side of the glass, certainly accompanied by a diving instructor. Extreme is an immersion into the lair of sharks seem at first glance, in fact, all sharks are kept on a special diet, allows you to completely negate their predatory habits in the presence of "guest."

Finally, a better look at all the 140 species of marine animals available here can take a short tour of the aquarium on the glass-bottom boat.

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