Church of St. George
   Photo: Church of St. George

Church of St. George - a small but impressive - located in the center near the city of Dobrich Ethnographic Museum, to the right of the building is a monument of Vasil Levski. Full name - The Church of St. George the Great Martyr.

St. George's Church is the oldest church in the town of Dobrich. In the 19th century it was built on the donations of the residents of the city and surrounding area. Also, funds were raised to build the altar, authored by Ivan Hadzhivalkov. The construction was in 1843, but in the fifties during the Crimean War, the church was burned. After the war, the restoration of which was completed in 1864. The temple porch was built at a later period. Icons for the church were created by painters of the Macedonian Cosmas Blazhenova Galichnik, Nikolai Vasilievym of Shumen and Nedko Teodorovich of Zheravna. Art painting the church ended in 1889, after which he was consecrated by Metropolitan Simeon. Information about when the tower was built, did not survive. The church has undergone several restorations over the years, the last work was done in 2000, when they were restored four icons.

The height of the church is 12 meters, due to the historical period when it was built. Then the strict requirement Osman was the construction of Orthodox churches are not beyond their places of worship - mosques. Today, the church, built in honor of St. George, who was martyred by Emperor Diocletian in the name of the Christian faith, attracts lovers of architecture, ornate facade, beautiful frescoes, antique icons. Church of Sts. George has two entrances, the first permanently open, the second is used during major holidays. In the well-kept courtyard of the temple has benches and a fountain with drinking water.

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