Gates Guillaume
   Photo: Guillaume Gate

Arch Port Guillaume (Guillaume Gate) is located on the Square Darcy, who considered the place of the "Start" all excursions in Dijon. The area is recognized as one of the most beautiful places in the city, and the gates Guillaume is one of the symbols of Dijon, which marks the border between the old and new parts of the city.

The area was named after one of dizhontsev Henry Darcy, who entered the history of the city that invented a way, get rid of unpleasant odors from the French urban sewage. He is the author of the invention treatment plants with filtering fillings. The invention Darcy was so helpful and so life has changed for the better dizhontsev that the very next day after the death of an engineer they proposed to rename one of the main squares of the city in his honor. System sewage treatment plants Dijon was the first in Europe, this communal innovation came in the first half of the XIX century.

Arc de Triomphe on the square Darcy appeared much earlier than this event, in the XVIII century. It was built on the site of the former city fortifications of XII century - defensive wall. Arch was named after the saint Benin (Guillaume de Volpiano), who lived in the X century and during the life of the former architect and Benedictine abbeys reformer. Guillaume Gate were originally part of the fortress wall, which at the end of the XIX century was demolished. Currently Arch Port Guillaume is equipped with a modern lighting system, which at night transforms itself and attraction, and Darcy Square.

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