Dijon Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden
   Photo: Dijon Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden

Natural History Museum and Botanical Gardens in Dijon located in a large urban park with an area of ​​about five hectares, of which occupies two hectares of botanical garden.

The garden is named Arkebyuz since the park was laid out in the XVI century for the Knights, who in his expanses practiced shooting Hackbut - one of the first bullet shotguns with matchlock. This activity has become so popular that even the competitions among the shooters. Once a year in August, the day of St. Bartholomew became targets arquebusiers parrots, and the winner of the tournament during the year bore the title "King of Birds".

At the end of the XVIII century there was a garden in the English style, which in 1803 moved to the municipal property. Even thirty years later it was transferred to other plants of the botanical garden of Dijon, founded in 1771, writer Benin de Gerlanom.

Currently, the botanical garden, there are about 4000 species of plants, most of which represent the flora of Burgundy and other regions of France. Slightly more than a thousand species are other countries, including the other countries of the Mediterranean and subtropical zones. The garden is also home to several species of water birds, a school of botany.

Located in the park Natural History Museum was founded in 1836. It is located in the pavilion, which was previously occupied by a company of riflemen from the arquebus. Today the museum has a rich collection of paleontological and geological profile, as well as collections of insects and animals. The museum has permanent and temporary exhibitions that use interactive technologies. In addition, here in the park is the city planetarium. All this natural-scientific complex is located near the railway station of Dijon.

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