Great Mosque in Cordoba
   Photo: Great Mosque in Cordoba

Grand Mosque - a complex of buildings, including buildings from different eras in the life of the city. The first mosque on the site was built at the end of the VIII century. In the tenth century to the mosque have been added to the mihrab (prayer niche) and Mansour (enclosure for the Caliph). In the XVI century, the mosque was consecrated and erected inside the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Puerta del Pedron (Gate absolution) XIV century lead into the courtyard planted with orange trees and a fountain for ablutions at the center. All the interior of the mosque seems to be filled with a forest of columns - there are about 900. Most of the columns were taken from destroyed Roman and Visigoth buildings from all over Spain. There columns garnet, jasper, marble.

The building of the baroque cathedral inside the mosque was designed by the architect Hernan Ruiz. The choir of the Cathedral of installed seats with elaborately carved by Pedro Duque Cornejo.

The bell tower height of 93 meters was built on the site of the minaret.

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