   Photo: Hořovice

Hořovice - a city with a very mysterious past, which would be interesting not only for historians and ethnographers, but also its inhabitants. Unfortunately, since the founding of the city and its early history is unknown. All city archives, where there was a mention of it, burned in a fire in 1540. Therefore Hořovice now - a city without a past, but with a wonderful present and a very promising future.

Some experts claim that the date of the founding of the city can be considered the beginning of the XIV century. Whatever it was, but after some time the city was built by the so-called Old Castle, which for some time belonged to the genus Litvin. The family lost their property through carelessness, one of the representatives of Litvinov participated in the defenestration procedure, which is considered traditional in medieval Prague, and not surprising. He and his friends threw out the window of Prague Castle a respected man, an advisor to King Yaroslav Borzhita. The officer was still alive, but the protesters were punished, deprived of their states. So Castle Hořovice was in the property affected Borzhita.

Castle suffered various kinds of disasters, including fires, owned by different people, who reconstructed it and adapted to their needs. Its modern look he had acquired during the reconstruction of the XVIII century.

In the XX century it was placed a garrison of Soviet troops, and then the palace belonged to different departments, which, naturally, did not pay any attention to his condition. We would lose such a grand structure, if not for the Czech government, which recalled the historical monument and ordered to carry out immediately a large renovation. Now it is available for inspection in the order listed, and reconstructed interiors.

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