Cathedral Kazertavekkia
   Photo: Cathedral Kazertavekkia

Kazertavekkia Cathedral was built in the 12th century, as evidenced by the inscription on the architrave. This is undoubtedly the most beautiful and important religious buildings Caserta.

The building is a mixture of Romanesque-Apulian and the Arab-Sicilian style with elements of Benedictine architecture. The facade of the church evokes the beautiful Apulian churches and its wonderful bell tower with bright colors similar to the Arab-Sicilian Cathedral of Amalfi. The facade is very simple - three large arched portal with a tympanum. The motif of small arches intertwined repeated in standing next to the bell tower of the 13th century. The southern facade is decorated with marble diamonds, and the opposite - ovals. Between the 1206th and 1216th years it was built three-span transept, and a century later - tiburium.

Inside the cathedral has three naves, which are separated from each other by 18 ancient columns with semicircular arches and a semicircular apse with a pulpit. In the 17th century the chair was redesigned using the original fragments of the pulpit of the 13th century. Here you can see two tombstones of the 14th century and beautiful frescoes, the creation of which is credited Bernardo Cavallino. There is a gravestone and the bell tower - it is believed that this is the tomb of Teodoro Mommsen. Above the Baroque marble altar of the cathedral is the canvas of the 18th century depicting the Madonna del Rosario with the Saints and a wooden crucifix of the second half of the 16th century. To the right of the cathedral stands the Church of the Annunziata - small and elegant Gothic building late 13th century.

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