Ihlara Canyon
   Photo: Canyon Ihlara

Cappadocia is located approximately four hundred kilometers to the south-east of Ankara, an area centered at the top of Erdash Dagi (1982 m). It starts with a canyon of Ihlara. Ihlara (Ihlara, the Byzantine name - Peristrema) - a canyon of volcanic origin in Central Anatolia length of 16 kilometers and a height of about 150 meters (starts at Ihlara village and ends at the Selim). It located at a distance of about 40 kilometers south of the city of Aksaray in Turkey and west of the town of Nowhere.

The landscape that offers tourists Ihlara, very different from the original mountain landscape of Cappadocia. And in fact, here in the course of the river has formed a rocky plateau deep canyon, which appeared in the depths of rough vegetation.

In this picturesque valley has numerous churches of the first centuries of Christianity, are of great interest in artistic terms, as well as houses in a cave for five thousand people, six of which are open to the public. These monuments of ancient culture look very nice on the background of amazing in its beauty of nature cheerful palette of wildflowers, rustling streams and green foliage.

Church carved in the rocks, they are located about a hundred pieces. The construction of churches began in the 4th century. They are decorated with frescoes of Syrian origin, who have already dated to the first years of the 9th century. In the beginning, these frescoes were malokrasochnymi (just a couple of shades of red on a white background) and very simple in its execution. Somewhere in the early 11th century, the gamma becomes more intense, as the ruling is the Syrian-Egyptian style was diluted with Byzantine influence, and the influence exerted by religious mosaic of the largest churches of the period.

Of all the churches in Ihlara open for inspection only 14. But there is something to see: Syumbyulyu Kilis ("Church hyacinth"), Alti Agach Kilis ("Church under the trees"), Ilanli Kilis ("Church of snakes"), " Egritash "," Kokar-ilisesi "," Pyurenli Seki "," Ala kilisesi "," Bahattin Sammanlygy "," Kyrkdamatly "," Direkli "etc. Often, these names were given to churches locals, but some were named in honor of the owners of the land on which they are located.

The walls are decorated with images of all the churches of the saints, and various scenes from the Bible. There are also not restored image dobibleyskogo period. Many churches together constitute the city in the rock - they are connected by underground passages.

Ihlara Canyon on a smaller scale a bit like the well-known and famous Grand Canyon in America. Large cracks, as if in a science fiction film cuts through the ground and bent green snake on bare sandy plain. It seems that the very mother earth opened, released outside the valley, unable to hide a greater beauty. Ihlara very well contrasted with the usual local hilly landscape. Among kingdom huge gray stones lies a patch of green oasis in which swaying majestically crowns of ancient trees, creating a pleasant penumbra. Between the big boulders zip nimble lizards, turtles crawling slowly, but in the lush greenery of chirping birds and butterflies.

Regarding the origin of Ihlara opinion among scientists strongly differing. Some geologists claim that this huge canyon was carved waters Melendiz - mountain river flowing down the slopes of the mountain of the same name. Other scientists hold a completely different opinion - this fantastic canyon is of volcanic origin, but information about the active volcano in the area was not recorded in any historical document.

But there is a third version the most believable, peacefully uniting the supporters of the first two theories. According to her, this canyon was formed jointly by the volcano and rivers. It turns out that on either side of the valley, two extinct volcano showered her layers of ash, lava and tuff. And then the river took matters into their own hands and washed away all the remnants of volcanic, resulting in offspring got an amazing canyon Ihlarskoy Valley.

Amidst all this idyll black eyes of the cliffs looking black dots - this is included in the cave home. It is as if one examines the vicinity of a huge anthill. If desired, you can also familiarize yourself with these cave dwellings in more detail.

Not far from Ihlara, just two kilometers, is the most popular and easy descent to the Ihlara Gorge. Tourists there is an opportunity to come here with a group on a day trip organized by travel agencies Cappadocia. The length of the gorge is 10 km, and its depth - 80 m. On it you can walk. There is a suitable trail along the river Melendiz. If this walking tour will seem too long, you can descend into the gorge all the metal stairs of 382 steps. However, keep in mind that it is not easy. But the nature of the bottom of the prepared you an unforgettable gift - an indescribable beauty. Nearby is a small complex for the convenience of tourists. In it there is a small shop, toilets, parking, café and a shield with the scheme of the valley.

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