Church of St. Theodora
   Photo: Church of St.. Theodora

Six kilometers from the village is located Karadzhavirana Yeshilёz. It is notable for the fact that there is a church "Tagar kilisesi", built in honor of St. Theodora. Three kilometers away is the necropolis.

This Greek Church is not a very old building. It was built in 11 veke.Tserkov had a T-shaped plan of the structure, which is unique among the churches of Cappadocia. It was originally covered by a dome. Later, the dome collapsed and the roof is covered with glass. On the second floor gallery, you can climb the stairs.

Perfectly preserved and survived murals, deposited on the inner walls. They looked through the stylistic differences, this is due to the fact that they were carried out by three different artists working here at different times. They depict scenes from the Bible: the Annunciation, the birth of Christ, the appearance of prophets, apostles, Jesus on the cross, angels Gabriel and Michael, the images of saints in medallions.

The church was opened May 15, 1858 with the permission of the Ottoman sultan, at the request of Christians Abdyulmedzhida Malakopii (Derinkuyu so called in those days), as evidenced by the label, located on the western entrance. Today, part of the letters on this line collapsed, but preserved cross relief. The left and right there are other reliefs, such as the figure of St. George. In addition, the condition is fairly good and the bell tower. After the famous "population exchange" the church was used for various household needs. Today, it is closed to visitors, and within it there is nothing. True once or twice a year it periodically opened for service. This happens at Easter and Christmas.

According to some preserved to our days testimonies Saint Theodore served in the Byzantine army under the name of Captain Teodorisa. To fulfill military obligations relating to her family, she was forced to go to the service, dressed in men's clothes. In the service of Theodore he was unjustly accused of illegal activities and killed on the spot where now is located tserkov.Drugaya legend has it that Saint Theodore was from the Macedonian royal dynasty and was the daughter of Emperor Constantine. She rules the years 1055-1056, until came to power Mikhail military ruler. According to some sources she was killed, and the other Theodore seriously ill and died.

Each year, the eleventh of September the feast of Saint Theodora. On this day, a large number of pilgrims come here to pay homage to a unique place where nature and faith are so close together that felt like one.

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