   Photo: The Citadel

Citadel in Cairo - one of the city's main attractions. Castle impressive size was built by Sultan Saladin in the twelfth article. The main objective of the construction was to protect the old city from the enemy.

Egyptian sultan with his successors used the southern part of the citadel as the official royal residence, and northern - a military garrison. In addition, the Cairo fortress was built many other palaces and mosques are well preserved today.

Citadel consisted of watchtowers, the main building and the gate. The city gates were built at different times. Cairo Citadel had a very good location, so it was practically inaccessible to the invaders. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire in the citadel was the residence of the Turkish viceroy.

Today, the original Cairo Citadel has been preserved almost nothing, except that part of the fortress walls, and Bourg-Yusuf. The most notable attraction is the citadel of Mohamed Ali Mosque, built in the nineteenth century. The huge dome of the main mosque, whose height is 52 m, dominates over the old town. By Ottoman law was forbidden to erect a mosque with more than one minaret. But Muhammad's Mosque has two minarets, which proves the intention of Muhammad Ali no longer submit to Istanbul.

On the south side of the mosque is located Muhammedskoy Al Gavkhar palace was used as a museum of jewelry. Today, the palace works Historical Museum, which houses a portrait gallery and store items of royal furniture. In the northern part of the citadel was a military unit and a prison. Also behind the mosque you can see the well-known Joseph.

Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to admire the remains of the once great and invincible stronghold.

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