Cathedral Cagliari
   Photo: Cathedral of Cagliari

Cagliari Cathedral - the main Roman Catholic church of the capital of Sardinia. It was built in the 13th century in Pisan-Romanesque style, and in 1258, the year received the status of a cathedral. In the 17-18 th centuries, the building was rebuilt in the Baroque style, and in 1930 it acquired its present facade in Neo-Romanesque style, like the facade of Cathedral of Pisa.

The church was built in the town pizantsy Castel di Castro. It had a square shape with a central nave and two side aisles with cross vaults. In 1258, the year Pisans destroyed the capital Dzhudikato di Cagliari, Santa Idzhiyu and its cathedral, and the new church became the Chair of the Bishop of Cagliari.

In the 14th century it was built the transept, which gave the cathedral the shape of a Latin cross, and two side entrances. On the facade appeared Gothic arched windows and the bell tower was rebuilt. The same period is the construction of the first chapel in the transept in the style of the Italian Gothic. Himself transept was finally completed after the conquest of Cagliari Aragon dynasty, when there were constructed two chapels.

In 1618, the year for the construction of the sanctuary in the crypt, which was supposed to keep the relics of certain martyrs, was raised presbytery of the cathedral. In 1669-1704-m respectively interior of the church was redone in baroque style. Then over the transept dome was built, and its Gothic Chapel, on the contrary, were dismantled. Old facade of the church in the early 20th century was demolished and in its place built a new one - in the Neo-Romanesque style.

Inside, the main attraction is the pulpit of the Cathedral of the 12th century work of Maestro Guglielmo, originally intended for the Cathedral of Pisa. In Cagliari, he was brought in 1312, the year and placed in the central nave, a third column. Four marble lions that supported the pulpit, are today at the foot of the balustrade of the presbytery. Among the other works of art worth noting Flemish triptych of the 15th century, baroque tombstone Bernardo de la Cabra, Bishop of Cagliari, who died of the plague in 1655, the year the chapel of the 14th century and the mausoleum of King of Aragon Martin I of Sicily, built in 1676- 80 m respectively. In the crypt of the cathedral sanctuary is located martyrs - Santuario dei Martiri, which is 179 niches with relics of local saints found in the 17th century at the Basilica of San Saturnino. There you can see the three chapels with Baroque decorations.

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