Castello Quarter
   Photo: Castello Quarter

Castello Quarter - a historic district of Cagliari, full of monuments of culture and architecture and is extremely popular with tourists. Once on its territory was located fortified castle, and today part of the quarter still surrounded by thick walls with bastions. The entrance to the gates of the quarter are two medieval towers of white limestone, which by happy coincidence, were not destroyed in the 19th century - Torre di San Pancrazio and the Torre del Elefante.

Introducing the Castello district is best to start from the Torre di San Pancrazio and Porta dei Leoni. Among the main attractions of the quarter - many ancient churches, such as the Cathedral or the church Purissima 16th century standing in Via Lamarmora. At the bottom of the Castello situated church of Santa Maria del Monte di Pieta Sacro, Santa Croce and San Giuseppe. Some churches are closed for restoration and are available for viewing only from the outside.

In the past, the Castello was the political, religious and administrative center of Cagliari. It is here that is home to many notable buildings - the former City Hall (near the Duomo), the Palazzo Veskovile and the Palace of the Viceroy. A little further on is the Arsenal, now turned in Cittadella dei Museums - Museums Grod, and even further is the Palazzo Belgrano, which today houses the University of Cagliari. Many private houses in this part of the city preserved its historical appearance and aristocratic furniture.

The Castello are also interesting museums .  The above Cittadella dei Museums consists of four separate collections, which you can explore by going through the door - an exact copy of the Roman Porta del Popolo .  One of the most important collections of Chittadely kept in the National Archaeological Museum, which displays artifacts related to a variety of civilizations, inhabiting Sardinia - pottery, statues of bronze, donuragicheskie figurines, copper ingots, carving, stelae and wonderful jewelry Carthaginian period .  The National Gallery collection of contemporary art, sculptures, paintings, statues, etc. . d .  A Siamese Museum Kardu can offer tourists around 1,300 items imported from Siam, Laos, Java, Malacca, Singapore and China - coins, ivories, silver jewelry, pottery, weapons .  Finally, it is worth a visit Anatomical Wax Museum, which exhibits 23 of the human body, made Florentine Clemente Suzini .  And one of the galleries Cittadella dei Museums offer a view of Cagliari .

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