Park "North Sea" (Beihai)
   Photo: The park "North Sea" (Beihai)

Park "North Sea" (Beihai) is located just north of the Imperial Palace Museum in Beijing. Beihai, or the North Sea, is one of six lakes, which channels are connected to the Summer Palace. Residence built off the coast of the Middle and South Lakes, south of Beihai.

Multiple Fine bridges, gardens, pavilions and galleries include Beihai and rebuilt in the Tibetan-style pagoda. Landscapes and construction of the park, displaying a magnificent architectural style and a unique art of Chinese traditional garden - a real masterpiece of landscape design.

Each of the parts into which divided the park has its own special atmosphere. White marble bridge, it is called a bridge eternal peace - Yunantsyao - leading to the southern coast of the island.

Bridge named Chzhishantsyao - An aspirant to the hill - connects the eastern shore of the island. Buddhist Temple (1651) and the White Pagoda (Baita) of white limestone, built in honor of the arrival of the Dalai Lama - located in the middle of the Jade Island (Qinhuangdao). The pagoda is surrounded connect with each other galleries and pavilions. Lama sutras and attributes are stored inside the pagoda. Covered gallery runs along the northern bank of the Jade Island.

It does not leave you indifferent and gorgeous, standing alone monument decorated on both sides with tiles - Wall of Nine Dragons, and the Five Dragon Pavilion, with its gallery fished another court. Until now, can not count the number of images of dragons here.

Here you can also see the Drum Tower, Pavilion calm the mind, and much more. Another famous traveler Marco Polo noted in his memoirs the amazing beauty of this park.

To the north side of Lake Beihai you can cross to the pleasure boat with a small marina, located here. Tourists will have an indescribable pleasure of exploring the Beihai Park on a catamaran boat, or walking. Visit him better on a weekday, as it is a popular holiday destination for local residents.

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