Clock tower
   Photo: Clock Tower

Despite the fact that the New and Old Bar are inextricably linked, they are separated by a few kilometers. Old Bar - an ancient fortress on a high plateau, at a distance of 4 kilometers from the coastline. Total in the Old Bar was built 240 different buildings.

Clock Tower in the Old Bar was built in 1753. Hours are located on all four sides of the tower. Creator tower called Yahya Ibrahim Osman Agha, a resident of the upper town, which at that time lived a rich and respected people.

From the height of the clock tower you can see not only a new bar, and a part of the coast.

It is known that the Bar since 1507, was under the yoke of the Ottoman Empire, that is, more than three hundred years. Turks not only established its dictatorship on the Montenegrin land, but trying to get people to change their religious beliefs. To this end, actively build the mosque.

The structure was repeatedly subjected to destructive actions on the part of the people and by the natural disaster. The maximum damage was inflicted during the period of the release of the Bar of the Turks in 1877. In addition, the old Turkish building suffered three serious earthquakes: 1905, 1968 and 1979.

The tower has undergone a complete renovation in 1984. At the same time repaired the clock tower, which today are illuminated at night.

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