Bali Botanic Garden
   Photo: Bali Botanic Garden

Bali Botanic Garden is a branch of the National Botanical Garden in Bogor on the island. Java and is located on Lake Bratan in Bedugul area of ​​central Bali.

The garden is situated on the slopes of the mountain trees (Gunung Pohon) and covers an area of ​​157, 5 hectares. Home celebrity garden - a large collection of valuable plants, which listed more than 650 species of various trees.

Collection Bali Orchid Botanical Garden is one of the largest in Indonesia - there are more than 400 species of flowers. Fans of this plant is required to get aesthetic pleasure from exploring the winding paths of the garden.

In addition to the plants in the garden presents many species of colorful tropical birds, allowing the garden be a center for the study of flora and fauna of the island of Bali. Visiting the Botanical Garden in Bali for a few hours, you can immerse yourself in an atmosphere of peace and unity with nature.

For visitors to the garden is also open a small colorful market that sells spices and plants, as well as a library and herbarium.

All of rare plants here are information boards, from which you can learn useful information about the plants themselves, their origins and unique properties. Other useful information will gladly tell professional guide whose services we can use when visiting the Botanical Garden of Bali.

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